顾文玮 医师 毕业于台湾大学医学系,于台北荣民总医院完成内科专科及感染科次专科训练,目前于台北荣民总医院新竹分院内科部感染科担任主治医师,亦于台北荣民总医院及台北市立联合医院昆明院区兼任门诊医师。主要的临床服务与研究领域在性传染病、人类免疫不全病毒与伺机性感染的流行病学、治疗以及预防。目前同时于台湾艾滋病学会任职副秘书长,协助医师、药师、个管师与社工师的继续教育课程,学会季刊「爱之关怀」编辑,以及「台湾暴露前口服预防性投药使用指引」的撰写与更新。
Dr. Wen-Wei Ku completed his medical degree at National Taiwan University in Taipei in 2008. He had his Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases specialist training at Taipei Veterans General Hospital in Taiwan in 2013. He works as attending physician of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Taipei Veterans General Hospital Hsinchu Branch in Taiwan. His research interests include HIV/AIDS, sexually-transmitted diseases, HIV prevention and public health. He is clinical researcher at AIDS Prevention and Research Center, National Yang-Ming University in Taiwan. He has authored articles in different domestic and international journals. Dr. Ku is a member of the Taiwan Infectious Diseases Society and currently the Vice Secretary-General of Taiwan AIDS Society.